This blog is dedicated to the memory of my late wife, Johanna L. Hardesty, who passed away unexpectedly on 2 April 2022. She was not only my constant companion, but my research partner as well. She was, among other things, a superb researcher. This blog would not exist without her invaluable input.

Wednesday, August 23, 2023


 The promised story, a bit short, to be sure, of how the Conrad boys got from Virginia to Montana is up. There's a bit more to the story, but I've got to dig it out first. What is there tells you the main story. I've just got some more details buried in the files that need excavation.

-- Richard 8/23/23

Thursday, August 3, 2023


JUST ADDED A NEW PAGE on the men who incorporated the town of Kalispell.

I have in mind to post the story of how Charlie and his brother W. G. came to Montana from Virginia. They didn't take a direct route, but came via New York state.
    The story has some interesting side notes, including a tenuous but real link to typewriters. Stay tuned.