What else can you expect to find here at Spotted Cap’s West in the future?
Well, one item currently in the pipeline is a page devoted to Charley’s family so you can see who his parents and siblings were. That will be published here before the end of the month (February). There will also be a Who’s Who page that will list many of the people in Charley’s world and will be updated as new information is acquired which should also show up pretty soon.
I have also scheduled for the future, although it will be down the pike a ways, an article (page) that covers the Conrad ranching efforts as well as pages devoted to their banking and mercantile activities. The latter, of course, is primarily the history of I. G. Baker & Co. after the Conrads got involved.
Pages are for major articles and essays, while posts I intend for shorter notes and memos. The site will be constantly changing, so subscribe and stay in the know!
-- Richard, 2/14